Implementer – Armenian Red Cross Society
Donor Organization - UNICEF
Implementation period – January 1, 2021 – July 15, 2021
Implementation area – Yerevan and RA 10 Regions
Explosive Ordinance Risk Education Program aims to reduce the risk and impact of ERW and mines through risk education activities including direct outreach and public campaigns.
At least 11.000 conflict affected people men, women, boys and girls will benefit from the project, by learning how to better protect themselves from explosive hazards and how to report the presence of them.
- to deliver an ERW / MRE program to at least 10.500 conflict affected people,
- to enabling access to productive learning environments for children affected by conflict,
- to establishing temporary learning spaces in collective shelters:
- to producing the educational and awareness raising materials on ERW & MRE
- to train the teachers/instructors contracted for the program to be able to provide quality support sessions for children, parents and primary caregivers.
- to train the teachers/instructors on the topic of the ‘’ Life-Saving Explosive Ordnance Risk Education’’ to be able to provide awareness raising sessions and trainings for children, parents and primary caregivers.
- to implement community and school based MRE sessions for conflict affected children and their caregivers
More than 11,000 people will benefit from the program, especially:
- Children’s affected by the conflict
- Parents and caregivers of the children affected by the conflict
- Teachers of the host communities’ schools
- ARCS volunteers and instructors