Financing organization –European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, Austrian Development Agency, Austrian Red Cross
Implementer – Armenian Red Cross Society
Implementation period - February, 2020 – January, 2022
Implementation area – Kotayk and Lori Regions of RA
To contribute to the strengthening of the civil protection systems in the regions of Armenia through voluntary capacities.
- Implementation of the research on the experience and on success stories of volunteer integration in civil protection systems and the development of the appropriate models.
- Formation and capacity building of the civil protection volunteer teams in Armenia.
- Development of cross-sectoral cooperation in the field of civil protection and Introduction of the appropriate self-sufficient systems in the communities.
- Development of a productive model for the inclusion and development of civil protection volunteer teems, which can be applied in the future for raising the involvement of the volunteers in the field of civil protection.
The target groups of the project are the population of the Garni, Mets Parni and adjacent communities of the RA Kotayk and Lori regions.